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Rent standards - Agriculture

Maximum permissible ground lease prices 2023

The maximum permissible ground lease prices for 2023 have been calculated in accordance with the principles of the Lease Price Decree 2007 (Pachtprijzenbesluit 2007).

In the table below, the new regional norm, the old regional norm, and the change percentage for separate arable and grassland and for separate horticultural land are displayed.

The lease norms for arable land, grassland and horticultural land are calculated annually based on a five-year average of the yield of the land, the ground reward, with a correction for the required direct return of lessors.

The ground lease norms for 2023 for arable land and grassland are higher in all lease price areas than the lease norms for 2022. This varies from an increase of 12% to 15% in Bouwhoek and Hogeland, Veenkolonie¨n and Oldambt, IJsselmeerpolders and Zuidwest-Brabant, to an increase of 37% to 54% in Zuidwestelijk akkerbouwgebied, Zuid-Limburg, Zuidelijk veehouderijgebied and in Waterland en Droogmakerijen.

For an explanation of the findings, refer to the Wageningen Economic Research Report 2023-083.

Regional lease norms 2023, 2022 and change rate per region
Lease price regionRegional lease norm 2023 (euro/ha)Regional lease norm 2022 (euro/ha)change rate (%)
Arable land and grassland
Bouwhoek en Hogeland79069514
Veenkoloniën en Oldambt42036515
Noordelijk weidegebied 62151122
Oostelijk veehouderijgebied66656019
Centraal veehouderijgebied64951825
Westelijk Holland51840030
Waterland en Droogmakerijen35723254
Hollands/Utrechts weidegebied84271518
Zuidwestelijk akkerbouwgebied49936537
Zuidelijk veehouderijgebied75053042
Westelijk Holland6,5515,09429
Rest of the Netherlands4,9073,59836
Source: Wageningen Economic Research.

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Jop Woltjer

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Woltjer, P.J., R.W. van der Meer en M.J. Voskuilen, 2023. Pachtnormen 2023; Berekening hoogst toelaatbare pachtprijzen voor los land, agrarische bedrijfsgebouwen en agrarische woningen. Wageningen, Wageningen Economic Research, Rapport 2023-083.

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